About Us

We represent major Petrochemical, Chemical, Rubber, Cement, Fertilizer products manufacturer & trading company for marketing  and sales of their products in India & around the globe. we cater in Plastic, Rubber, Chemical, Textile, Agriculture industry in  I n d i a    &    w o r l d w i d e.

We consider our customers as parterners in growth and we offer them a basket of products to choose from. we endeavor our customers are not only satisfied but  a r e  d e l i g h t e d  w i t h   o u r   s e r v i c e .

We offer our suppliers consistent business and value of their products. our presence ensures that our supplier’s focus their energies on innovation & product development, while their marketing activities  a r e   i n   o u r   r e l i a b l e   h a n d s.

Our Company has carved a niche for itself in the global market by providing expectional & ethical service to  i t s   b u s i n e s s   a s s o c i a t e s.